Nestled amidst the charming streets of Northeast Minneapolis, an area known for its diverse cultural influences, the club offers a haven where members and visitors alike can celebrate their Italian roots, whether they're first-generation immigrants or descendants several generations removed.
The club's activities and events reflect the diverse facets of Italian culture, ranging from culinary delights to music, dance, language, and more. The club hosts several golf outings and fundraisers per year in addition to their annual Columbus Day Gala Event.
John Andreozzi - Dean Bona - Anthony Michael Brama - Benjamin Brama - Bob Brama - Christopher R Brama - Jonathan Brama - Patrick Brama - Tim Brama - TJ Brama - William Brama - John Chiodo - Peter Chiodo - Tim Ciccarelli - Mike Daher - David Dirkers - Tony Donato - Victor Donato - Brad Drews - Terry S Ferrera - Tom Ferrara - Dave Ferraro - Ron Gideo - Bob Lepora - Ernie Lepore - Nick Lepore - Jim Livingston – Alex Lundeen - David McGuire - Jim Molinaro - Mick Montury - Victor J Perrotta - Jim Perry - Bill Quick - Mike Quick - Arturo Ranallo - Justin Ranallo - Larry Ranallo - Steve Ranallo - Tom Ranallo - Christopher Rousseau-Villella - Gary Villella - Bill Scalise - Jim Scalise - Peter Scalise - Tony Scalise - Peter Scalise Jr. - Mike Scavo - Ron Scavo - Sam Schullo - Dana A Steenberg - Anthony Strangis - Mark Strangis - Tom Teresi - Tony Vannicola Jr. - Brett C Villella - Nick Villella - Peter Villella - Sam D Villella - Frank S Villella Jr. - Harry Villella Jr. - Frank S Villella Sr.
Historic Members:
Dominic Ardito - Jim R. Ardito - Sam Ardito Sr.- James F. Arone - James Azzone - Joseph Bafetta - Frank Balma -Tony Benincasa - Steve Bonello - Peter Bracchi - Max Brama - Richard Brama - Santo Brama - Pete Brescancini - Michael Calyore - Louis Capra - Zene Capra - H. O. Carcio - Joseph Castro - August N. Chiodo - Jerry Chiodo - Richard Chiodo - Joe Comita - Mike Daher - Ned de Angelo - Nick DeGideo - Ray DeGidio - Tony DeLisi - Roxy DeLuc - Charles DeMay - Tony DeMuse - Antonio Felicetta - Jimmy Ferraro - Tom Ferrara Sr. - Sam V. Ferraro - Ted Ficocello - Tom Ficocello - John Fragale - Frank Grazzini - Frank Iquinto - Nick Labalestra - Frank LaCascio - Thomas LaCount - Ron Lawrence - Ernest Lepore - James Lepore - Anthony Leone - James Leone - Joe Leone - Mike Livinigston (B.M.) - Rob Lundeen - Sam Lupino - James Mancino - John Mancino - Russ Mancino (Sec.) - William Marcantelli - James Marino - John J. Mohdati - Felis Montury Sr. - James Montury - Joseph Montury - Victor Molinaro - James Mastro - Tony Palaia - Patsey Mata - Aurelio Nardo - Frank Natalie - Oliver Ossanna - Joseph H. Papatola Sr. - Jack Pestello - Tom Petrangelo - Tony Petrangelo - Peter Petruzza - Tony Phillips - August Piazza - Dave Piazza - Sam Piazza - Russ Ponessa - Sam Ponessa - Sam Preese - Vito Puccio - Frank Puglisi - Arthur C. Ranallo - Mark Reeves - George Ross - Anthony Rottela - Vincent Scalise - Ernie Scalise - Frank Scavo - Ben Scazlo - Don Scazlo - Jerry Schiena - Sam Schullo - Tony Schullo - Joe Seminar - Louis Seminar - George Spano - George Spano Sr. - Dr. J. P. Spano - Sam Spano - Frank Springer - Carl Stabile - Bruno Strangis (AZ) - Joe Strangis - Pat Strangis - Ralph Strangis - Sam Strangis - Tony Thompson - Frank Vescio - Nick Vescio - Albert Villella - Peter Villella - Jerry Villella Sr. - Sam J. Villella Sr. - Sam L. Villella Jr. - Vincent Villella - Pat Vitullo - Frank Zazzaro